Looking for a good name for your sweet baby? Our website has compiled a list of baby names with meanings for you.
Including baby girl names, baby boy names, musical names,
Twin baby names, numerology names, pet names, and nature names. To help you in your search, striking and special uncommon baby girl names for your little princess

Unique Baby Girl Names You Haven't Heard Before

Striking And Special: Uncommon Baby Girl Names For Your Little Princess
  1. Aria - melody
  2. Lyra - musical instrument
  3. Sable - black
  4. Ophelia - help
  5. Amara - eternal
  6. Cleo-glory
  7. Indira - beauty
  8. Zora - dawn
  9. Seren-star
  10. Kaida - little dragon
  11. Reva - rain
  12. Niamh - brightness
  13. Xanthe - yellow
  14. Eira - snow
  15. Elodie - marsh flower
  16. Tamsin - twin
  17. Celeste - heavenly
  18. Raine - queen
  19. Zephyr - west wind
  20. Elara - shining

20 Uncommon Baby Girl Names to Consider

Unique Baby Girl Names You Haven't Heard Before
  1. Daphne - laurel tree
  2. Saffron - yellow flower
  3. Azalea - dry flower
  4. Lyris - lyre
  5. Maren - sea
  6. Vesper - evening
  7. Arden - valley of the Eagle
  8. Juniper - evergreen shrub
  9. Lavender - purple flower
  10. Lark - songbird
  11. Ines - pure
  12. Coralie - coral
  13. Briar - thorny bush
  14. Aisling - dream or vision
  15. Maris - of the sea
  16. Jocelyn - joyful
  17. Aine - radiance
  18. Aveline - hazelnut
  19. Clio - glory
  20. Eudora - a generous gift

Unusual Baby Girl Names That Are Beautiful and Meaningful

20 Uncommon Baby Girl Names to Consider
  1. Galatea - white as milk
  2. Isolde - fair lady
  3. Kaelani - sky and sea
  4. Leilani - heavenly flower
  5. Liana - to bind
  6. Meridian - midday
  7. Nara - happy
  8. Oceane - ocean
  9. Paloma - dove
  10. Quilla - moon
  11. Rosalind - pretty rose
  12. Selene - moon goddess
  13. Tahlia - dew from heaven
  14. Una - one
  15. Valencia - brave
  16. Winter - cold season
  17. Yara - water lady
  18. Zinnia - flower
  19. Adira - strong
  20. Bronte - thunder

Searching for Something Different? Check Out These Uncommon Baby Girl Names

Unusual Baby Girl Names That Are Beautiful and Meaningful
  1. Capri - island off Italy
  2. Dasha - gift from God
  3. Evangeline - bearer of good news
  4. Farrah - joyful
  5. Gwyneth - blessed
  6. Halia - sea
  7. Isadora - gift of Isis
  8. Jadyn - Thank you
  9. Kaira - peaceful
  10. Liora - God's gift of light
  11. Marlowe - hill by the lake
  12. Neve - snow
  13. Oriana - sunrise
  14. Primrose - first rose
  15. Rowan - little redhead
  16. Sancia - holy
  17. Thalia - blooming
  18. Ulyana - youthful
  19. Vega - star
  20. Whitney - white island

Rare Baby Girl Names That Will Make Your Daughter Stand Out

Searching for Something Different? Check Out These Uncommon Baby Girl Names
  1. Ximena - hearth
  2. Yasmin - jasmine flower
  3. Zandra - defender of mankind
  4. Althea - healer
  5. Blossom-flower
  6. Camila - free-born
  7. Delta - fourth letter of the Greek alphabet
  8. Emery - brave
  9. Freya - Norse goddess of love and fertility
  10. Gia - God's gracious gift
  11. Harper - harp player
  12. Ione - violet flower
  13. Joss - joy
  14. Karina - pure
  15. Leda - happy
  16. Mabel - lovable
  17. Nola - fair-shouldered
  18. Odessa - long journey
  19. Phoenix - the mythical bird
  20. Quinn - wise

One-of-a-Kind Baby Girl Names You Won't Find Anywhere Else

Rare Baby Girl Names That Will Make Your Daughter Stand Out
  1. Remy - oarsman
  2. Sage-wise
  3. Taryn - rocky hill
  4. Uma - bright
  5. Valencia - strong
  6. Waverly - meadow of quivering aspens
  7. Xandra - defender of mankind
  8. Yvette - yew wood
  9. Zaida - prosperous
  10. Alba - white
  11. Blair - plain
  12. Camille - young ceremonial attendant
  13. Delta - mouth of a river
  14. Elysia - blissful
  15. Fawn - young deer
  16. Giselle - pledge
  17. Haven - a place of safety or refuge
  18. Isla - island
  19. Jovie - joy
  20. Kinsley - king's Meadow

Bold and Beautiful: Uncommon Baby Girl Names for the Brave Parents

One-of-a-Kind Baby Girl Names You Won't Find Anywhere Else
  1. Livia - blue
  2. Magnolia - flower
  3. Nadine - hope
  4. Octavia - eighth
  5. Pilar - pillar
  6. Queenie - queen
  7. Romilly - from the Roman settlement
  8. Sailor - seaman
  9. Tabitha - gazelle
  10. Una - one
  11. Viola - violet
  12. Winona - first-born daughter
  13. Xyla-wood
  14. Yara - small butterfly
  15. Zinnia - flower
  16. Amethyst - purple gemstone
  17. Brielle - God is my strength
  18. Cosette - victory
  19. Delilah - delicate
  20. Eden - paradise

Out of the Box: Uncommon Baby Girl Names That Are Simply Amazing

Bold and Beautiful: Uncommon Baby Girl Names for the Brave Parents
  1. Fallon - leader
  2. Gwendolyn - blessed ring
  3. Harper - harp player
  4. Ivy - climbing plant
  5. Jada-wise
  6. Kaya - pure
  7. Lennox - elm grove
  8. Marcella - warrior
  9. Niamh - bright
  10. Olive - symbol of peace
  11. Perla - pearl
  12. Quinn - wise
  13. Rhea - flowing stream
  14. Sariyah - princess
  15. Taryn - rocky hill
  16. Unity - oneness
  17. Vida - life
  18. Willow - slender tree
  19. Xiomara - ready for battle
  20. Yvonne - yew wood

Discovering the Uncommon: Baby Girl Names That Are Unique and Lovely

Out of the Box: Uncommon Baby Girl Names That Are Simply Amazing
  1. Zaylee - happy and carefree
  2. Aiyana - eternal blossom
  3. Blythe - cheerful
  4. Celestia - heavenly
  5. Dahlia - flower
  6. Elara - shining
  7. Fern-plant
  8. Geneva - juniper tree
  9. Hazel - nut-bearing tree
  10. Isadora - gift of Isis
  11. June - sixth month of the year
  12. Keira - dark-haired
  13. Lotus-flower
  14. Meadow - grassy field
  15. Noemi - pleasantness
  16. Octavie - eighth
  17. Pearl - precious gemstone
  18. Quest - search
  19. Rosalyn - pretty rose
  20. Selah - pause and reflect

Striking and Special: Uncommon Baby Girl Names for Your Little Princess

Discovering the Uncommon: Baby Girl Names That Are Unique and Lovely
  1. Trinity - three in one
  2. Unity - oneness
  3. Vega - star
  4. Winslow - hill of victory
  5. Xara - princess
  6. Yvette - yew wood
  7. Zephyrine - gentle breeze
  8. Anika - gracious
  9. Bellamy - good-looking friend
  10. Catalina - pure
  11. Darcy - dark
  12. Ember - spark or fiery one
  13. Fallon - leader
  14. Gia - God is gracious
  15. Hadley - heather meadow
  16. Isla - island
  17. Jocelyn - joyful
  18. Kaida - little dragon
  19. Laila - night beauty
  20. Marisol - sea and sun

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