Selecting a name for your baby is an exciting and important decision for parents. Fictional baby names have become increasingly popular over the years, as they provide unique and creative options for naming your little one. From classical literary characters to modern superheroes, there are countless sources of inspiration for fictional baby names. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the most popular fictional baby names, their meanings, and where they originated.

Magical and Inspiring Fictional Baby Names

The Ultimate Guide to Fictional Baby Names: From A to Z
  1. Aaric - Rule with mercy
  2. Abigaila - Joy of the father
  3. Acey - Unity
  4. Adalee - Noble one
  5. Adalina - Noble kind
  6. Adalynne - Noble one
  7. Adan - Fiery one
  8. Adara - Noble one
  9. Adarsh - Ideal
  10. Addie - Noble one
  11. Adeleena - Noble one
  12. Adelia - Noble one
  13. Adelyn - Noble one
  14. Adelynn - Noble one
  15. Aden - Fiery one
  16. Adette - Noble one
  17. Adhira - Moon
  18. Adiba - Cultured
  19. Adilyn - Noble one
  20. Adira - Strong and noble
  21. Adiya - Beloved
  22. Adolpha - Noble she-wolf
  23. Adria - From the Adriatic
  24. Adriana - Dark
  25. Adrina - Happiness
  26. Adwen - Blessed
  27. Aedan - Born of fire
  28. Aelwyn - Fair brow
  29. Aeralyn - Queen of the sky
  30. Aerin - Enlightened
  31. Aethelwyn - Noble friend
  32. Afia - Born on a Friday
  33. Afra - Color of earth
  34. Afreda - Elf power
  35. Agatha - Good
  36. Agathe - Good
  37. Aggie - Good
  38. Aghna - Pure
  39. Aida - Reward, present
  40. Aiden - Fiery one
  41. Aife - Warrior woman
  42. Aiko - Beloved child
  43. Aila - From the strong place
  44. Ailani - High chief
  45. Aileen - Light
  46. Ailis - Noble
  47. Ailsa - From Ailsa Craig
  48. Aime - Beloved
  49. Aimee - Beloved
  50. Aimi - Love, affection
  51. Aina - Joy
  52. Aine - Radiance
  53. Ainhoa - Only daughter
  54. Ainsley - One's own meadow
  55. Ainslie - One's own meadow
  56. Aira - Of the wind
  57. Aisha - Living, prosperous
  58. Aisling - Vision, dream
  59. Aislynn - Vision, dream
  60. Aithne - Fire
  61. Aiyana - Eternal blossom
  62. Ajay - Unconquerable
  63. Akane - Deep red
  64. Akari - Light
  65. Akasha - Essence, sky
  66. Akemi - Bright, beautiful
  67. Akeno - Bright shining field
  68. Akiko - Autumn child
  69. Akilah - Intelligent, logical
  70. Akina - Spring flower
  71. Akira - Bright, clear
  72. Akiva - Protect, shelter
  73. Akiko - Clear and bright
  74. Alaina - Dear child
  75. Alamea - Precious
  76. Alani - Orange blossom
  77. Alannis - From the cliff
  78. Alaric - Ruler of all
  79. Alaska - Great land
  80. Alastrina - Protector of mankind
  81. Alastyn - Defender of mankind
  82. Alayna - Dear child
  83. Alban - White, fair
  84. Albany - From Albany, Scotland
  85. Alberta - Noble, bright
  86. Alden - Old friend
  87. Alder - From the alder tree
  88. Aldis - From the old house
  89. Aldo - Old and wise
  90. Alea - Exalted, noble
  91. Alecto - Vengeful fury
  92. Alethea - Truthful one
  93. Alexei - Defender of the people
  94. Alexia - Defender of the people
  95. Alexius - Defender of the people
  96. Alfonso - Noble and ready
  97. Alfred - Wise counsellor
  98. Alia - Noble, exalted
  99. Aliana - Noble, exalted
  100. Alica - Noble, exalted
  101. Alicea - Noble, exalted
  102. Alicia - Noble, exalted
  103. Alima - Strong
  104. Alina - Noble, kind
  105. Alissa - Noble, kind
  106. Aliyah - Exalted, sublime
  107. Allegra - Cheerful, lively
  108. Allie - Noble, kind
  109. Allison - Noble, kind
  110. Allyson - Noble, kind
  111. Alma - Soul, nourishing
  112. Alondra - Defender of mankind
  113. Alora - Divine counsellor
  114. Aloysius - Famous warrior
  115. Althea - Healer, wholesome
  116. Alva - Brightness, height
  117. Alvina - Noble friend
  118. Alwyn - Wise friend
  119. Alyce - Noble, kind
  120. Alysha - Noble, kind
  121. Alyson - Noble, kind
  122. Alyssa - Noble, kind
  123. Amadeus - Love of God
  124. Amalia - Industrious, hardworking
  125. Amanda - Worthy of love
  126. Amara - Eternal, immortal
  127. Amarante - Unfading
  128. Amarillis - Sparkling, fresh
  129. Amaris - Child of the moon
  130. Amber - Fossilized tree resin
  131. Ambrosia - Immortal, divine
  132. Amelia - Industrious, hardworking
  133. Amelie - Hardworking, industrious
  134. Amerie - Brave, strong
  135. Amethyst - Precious purple gemstone
  136. Amias - Beloved
  137. Amira - Princess, leader
  138. Amirah - Princess, leader
  139. Amita - Infinite, eternal
  140. Amity - Friendship, harmony
  141. Amla - Fruit of the Indian gooseberry tree
  142. Ammon - Hidden, obscure
  143. Amor - Love
  144. Amora - Love
  145. Amos - Carried by God
  146. Amya - High place, great
  147. Anabel - Graceful
  148. Anahi - Beautiful, innocent
  149. Anais - Gracious, merciful
  150. Analee - Gracious, merciful
  151. Analia - Gracious, merciful
  152. Ananda - Bliss, joy
  153. Anas - Friendliness
  154. Anastasia - Resurrection
  155. Anaya - Caring, protection
  156. Anchal - Shelter, cover
  157. Andi - Manly, warrior
  158. Andre - Brave, strong
  159. Andrea - Brave, strong
  160. Andreas - Brave, strong
  161. Andreea - Brave, strong
  162. Andrina - Manly, warrior
  163. Aneira - Snow
  164. Anemone - Windflower
  165. Anette - Gracious, merciful
  166. Anfisa - Flower
  167. Angie - Messenger of God
  168. Anika - Grace, favor
  169. Anisa - Friendly, pleasant
  170. Anise - Spice plant
  171. Anita - Grace, favor
  172. Aniya - Admirable, peaceful
  173. Anjali - Gift, offering
  174. Anjelica - Angelic, heavenly
  175. Anjuli - Gift of God
  176. Ann - Gracious, merciful
  177. Anna - Gracious, merciful
  178. Annabel - Graceful
  179. Annabeth - Gracious, merciful
  180. Annalee - Gracious, merciful
  181. Annalisa - Gracious, merciful
  182. Annamarie - Gracious, merciful
  183. Annemarie - Gracious, merciful
  184. Annelie - Gracious, merciful
  185. Anneliese - Gracious, merciful
  186. Annemari - Gracious, merciful
  187. Annette - Gracious, merciful
  188. Anni - Gracious, merciful
  189. Annice - Gracious, merciful
  190. Annie - Gracious, merciful
  191. Annika - Gracious, merciful
  192. Annmarie - Gracious, merciful
  193. Anthea - Flower, blossom
  194. Anthony - Priceless, praiseworthy
  195. Antigone - Against birth, disobedient
  196. Antoinette - Priceless, praiseworthy
  197. Anton - Priceless, praiseworthy
  198. Antonia - Priceless, praiseworthy
  199. Anushka - Grace, favor
  200. Anwar - Brightest, shining
  201. Anya - Gracious, merciful
  202. Aoife - Beautiful, radiant
  203. Aria - Air, song
  204. Ariadne - Most holy
  205. Ariana - Most holy
  206. Ariane - Most holy
  207. Ariel - Lion of God
  208. Ariella - Lion of God
  209. Arielle - Lion of God
  210. Arissa - Best, excellent
  211. Aristaeus - Best, excellent
  212. Ariston - Best, excellent
  213. Arizona - Small spring
  214. Arlene - Oath, pledge
  215. Arlo - Fortified hill
  216. Arman - Soldier
  217. Armando - Soldier
  218. Armelle - Prince, warrior
  219. Armen - Warrior
  220. Armin - Warrior
  221. Armina - Warrior princess
  222. Arminda - Warrior, protector
  223. Arnold - Eagle power
  224. Aroha - Love
  225. Aroma - Pleasant smell
  226. Aron - Mountain of strength
  227. Artemis - Goddess of the hunt and wilderness
  228. Arthur - Bear, stone
  229. Arturo - Bear, stone
  230. Arvid - Eagle tree
  231. Arya - Noble, honored
  232. Asa - Physician, healer
  233. Asante - Thank you
  234. Ash - Ash tree
  235. Asha - Life, hope
  236. Ashanti - African people
  237. Asher - Happy, blessed
  238. Ashlyn - Dream, vision
  239. Ashton - Ash tree town
  240. Asia - East
  241. Asiya - Comfort, consolation
  242. Asma - High, lofty
  243. Aspen - Tree with white bark
  244. Aster - Star
  245. Astoria - Hawk
  246. Astrid - Divine strength
  247. Athena - Goddess of wisdom, courage, and inspiration
  248. Athena - Goddess
  249. Atticus - Man of Attica
  250. Aubrey - Elf ruler
  251. Auden - Old friend
  252. Audra - Noble strength
  253. Audrey - Noble strength
  254. August - Great, magnificent
  255. Augusta - Great, magnificent
  256. Augustus - Great, magnificent
  257. Aurielle - Golden
  258. Aurora - Dawn
  259. Austin - Great, magnificent
  260. Autumn - Season of harvest
  261. Ava - Life, living one
  262. Avalon - Island of apples
  263. Aveline - Hazelnut
  264. Avery - Elf ruler
  265. Avi - My father
  266. Avia - Bearer of good news
  267. Aviana - Birdlike
  268. Avigail - My father is joyful
  269. Avital - Father of dew
  270. Axel - Father of peace
  271. Axl - Father of peace
  272. Aya - Colorful
  273. Ayana - Beautiful flower
  274. Ayesha - Living, life
  275. Aylin - Moon hello
  276. Ayman - Lucky, blessed
  277. Ayo - Joy
  278. Azalea - Flower
  279. Azaria - Helped by God
  280. Azrael - Helped by God
  281. Azucena - Lily
  282. Azure - Sky blue

Classic Fictional Baby Names that Stand the Test of Time

Classic Fictional Baby Names that Stand the Test of Time
  1. Bailee - Steward, bailiff
  2. Bailey - Steward, bailiff
  3. Baker - Baker, bread maker
  4. Bali - Strength, power
  5. Balthazar - Baal protects the king
  6. Bandit - Robber
  7. Banks - Edge of a river
  8. Banner - Flag, sign
  9. Barak - Lightning
  10. Barbara - Foreign, strange
  11. Barbra - Foreign, strange
  12. Bard - Poet, singer
  13. Barker - Shepherd, one who tends sheep
  14. Barnaby - Son of comfort
  15. Baron - Nobleman
  16. Barrett - Bear strength
  17. Barron - Nobleman
  18. Barry - Fair-haired
  19. Bart - Son of the earth
  20. Bartholomew - Son of the furrow
  21. Basil - Brave, royal
  22. Bay - Berry fruit, reddish brown color
  23. Baylee - Courtyard within castle walls
  24. Baylor - One who delivers goods
  25. Bear - Bear
  26. Beatrix - Voyager, traveller
  27. Beau - Handsome
  28. Beckett - Dweller near the brook
  29. Beckley - Clearing in the wood
  30. Bedford - River crossing, shallow river
  31. Bee - Busy worker
  32. Belinda - Beautiful serpent
  33. Bella - Beautiful
  34. Belle - Beautiful
  35. Bellamy - Handsome friend
  36. Ben-Son
  37. Benedict - Blessed
  38. Benjamin - Son of the right hand
  39. Benji - Son of the right hand
  40. Bennett - Blessed
  41. Bentley - Clearing covered with bent grass
  42. Benton - Town in the bent grass valley
  43. Berkley - Birch tree meadow
  44. Bernard - Brave as a bear
  45. Bernardo - Brave as a bear
  46. Bernice - Bringer of victory
  47. Bert - Bright, shining
  48. Bertha - Bright, shining
  49. Bertie - Bright, shining
  50. Beryl - Sea-green jewel
  51. Bess - God is my oath
  52. Bessie - God is my oath
  53. Beth - God is my oath
  54. Bethany - House of figs
  55. Betsy - God is my oath
  56. Bettina - God is my oath
  57. Beulah - Married
  58. Beverly - Dweller near the beaver stream
  59. Bianca - White, fair
  60. Bill - Will, desire
  61. Billy - Will, desire
  62. Birdie - Little bird
  63. Bishop - Overseer, guardian
  64. Blaine - Thin, lean
  65. Blair - Plain, field
  66. Blake - Pale blond one
  67. Blanche - White, fair
  68. Blaze - Flame, fire
  69. Blossom - Flower, bloom
  70. Blue - Color blue
  71. Bo - Precious, rare
  72. Bob - Bright fame
  73. Bobby - Bright fame
  74. Bode - Messenger
  75. Bodhi - Enlightenment, awakening
  76. Bonita - Pretty, beautiful
  77. Bonnie - Pretty, beautiful
  78. Booker - Maker of books
  79. Boone - Good, blessed
  80. Bowen - Son of Owen
  81. Bowie - Yellow haired
  82. Boyd - Yellow
  83. Brad - Broad clearing
  84. Bradley - Broad clearing
  85. Brady - Spirited
  86. Braeden - Descendant of Bradan
  87. Braelynn - Brave, strong
  88. Braiden - Descendant of Bradan
  89. Branden - Beacon hill
  90. Brandi - Brandy, a type of liquor
  91. Brandon - Beacon hill
  92. Brandy - A type of liquor
  93. Branson - Son of Brand
  94. Brant - Sword
  95. Braelyn - Brave, strong
  96. Braxton - Brock's town
  97. Brayden - Descendant of Bradan
  98. Braylee - Meadow of the broad hills
  99. Braylon - Little ruler
  100. Breanna - High, noble, exalted
  101. Bree - Short form of Breanna or Brianna
  102. Breena - Fairy palace
  103. Brenna - Little raven
  104. Brent - Hill, mount
  105. Bret - From Brittany
  106. Brett - From Brittany
  107. Brewster - Brewer
  108. Brian - High, noble, exalted
  109. Briana - High, noble, exalted
  110. Brianna - High, noble, exalted
  111. Briar - Thorny plant
  112. Bridget - Strength, power
  113. Brie - Short form of Brianna or Bridget
  114. Briggs - Bridges
  115. Brinley - Burnt meadow
  116. Brisa - Breeze
  117. Bristol - Meeting place by the bridge
  118. Britney - From Britain
  119. Britt - From Britain
  120. Brittany - From Britain
  121. Britton - From Britain
  122. Brock - Badger
  123. Brody - Ditch, muddy place
  124. Bronson - Son of Brown
  125. Brooke - Small stream, brook
  126. Brooklyn - Borough of New York City
  127. Brooks - Small stream, brook
  128. Brown - Brown
  129. Bruce - Woods
  130. Bruno - Brown, bear
  131. Bryan - High, noble, exalted
  132. Bryant - Strong, virtuous
  133. Bryce - Speckled, freckled
  134. Brylee - Meadow of the broad hills
  135. Brynn - Little hill
  136. Bryson - Son of Brice
  137. Buck - Male deer
  138. Buddy - Friend, companion
  139. Buffy - Plump, full
  140. Birth - Bright, Famous
  141. Byron - From the Barns

Unique Fictional Baby Names for Your Little Hero

  1. Cadence - Rhythmic flow of sounds
  2. Cade - Round, gentle
  3. Caesar - Hairy
  4. Caiden - Companion
  5. Cain - Acquired, possession
  6. Caitlin - Pure
  7. Caleb - Faithful, devoted
  8. Cali - Most beautiful
  9. Calla - Beautiful
  10. Callie - Beautiful
  11. Calvin - Bald
  12. Camden - Winding valley
  13. Cameron - Bent nose
  14. Camila - Perfect, complete
  15. Camilla - Perfect, complete
  16. Camille - Perfect, complete
  17. Campbell - Crooked mouth
  18. Candace - Pure, glowing
  19. Candice - Pure, glowing
  20. Cara - Beloved, friend
  21. Carey - Dark, black
  22. Carla - Strong, feminine
  23. Carlo - Strong, masculine
  24. Carlos - Strong, masculine
  25. Carly - Little, womanly
  26. Carmen - Song, poem
  27. Carol - Song of happiness
  28. Carolina - Song of happiness
  29. Caroline - Song of happiness
  30. Carolyn - Song of happiness
  31. Carrie - Strong, feminine
  32. Carson - Son of Carr
  33. Carter - Driver of a cart
  34. Carys - Love
  35. Casey - Brave in battle
  36. Cash - Money, wealth
  37. Cassandra - Protector of man
  38. Cassidy - Clever, curly haired
  39. Castiel - Shield of God
  40. Catalina - Pure, clear
  41. Catherine - Pure
  42. Cathy - Pure
  43. Cayden - Companion
  44. Cece - Diminutive form of Cecilia
  45. Cecelia - Blind
  46. Cecil - Blind
  47. Cedric - Chief, leader
  48. Celeste - Heavenly, divine
  49. Celia - Heavenly
  50. Celine - Heavenly
  51. Chase - Hunter
  52. Chad - Protector, defender
  53. Chance - Good fortune, luck
  54. Chandler - Candle maker
  55. Chanel - Canal, channel
  56. Channing - Young wolf
  57. Charity - Giving, generosity
  58. Charlee - Feminine form of Charles
  59. Charley - Free man, strong
  60. Charlie - Free man, strong
  61. Charlotte - Free man, strong
  62. Charmaine - Charm, grace
  63. Chase - Hunter
  64. Chasity - Purity, innocence
  65. Chauncey - Chancellor, secretary
  66. Chelsea - Seaport, landing place
  67. Chelsey - Seaport, landing place
  68. Cherish - To treasure, value
  69. Cheryl - Beloved, darling
  70. Cheyenne - Unintelligible speakers
  71. Chevy - Horseman
  72. Chloe - Blooming, verdant
  73. Chris - Anointed one
  74. Christian - Follower of Christ
  75. Christie - Follower of Christ
  76. Christina - Follower of Christ
  77. Christine - Follower of Christ
  78. Christopher - Christ-bearer
  79. Cindy - Diminutive form of Cynthia
  80. Claire - Clear, bright
  81. Clara - Bright, clear
  82. Clarence - Clear, bright
  83. Clarissa - Bright, clear
  84. Clark - Scribe, scholar
  85. Claudia - Lame
  86. Clayton - Clay town
  87. Clemence - Merciful, gentle
  88. Clement - Merciful, gentle
  89. Cleo - Glory, famous
  90. Clifford - Ford by a cliff
  91. Clint - Town near a slope
  92. Clinton - Town near a slope
  93. Clyde - Warm, inviting
  94. Coco - Chocolate, cocoa
  95. Cody - Helpful, cushion
  96. Cohen - Priest, religious leader
  97. Colby - Dark, coal town
  98. Cole - Swarthy, coal-black
  99. Colette - People of victory
  100. Colleen - Girl, maiden
  101. Collins - Holly
  102. Colt - Young horse, frisky
  103. Colton - Town of coal
  104. Connie - Steadfast, constant
  105. Conor - Lover of hounds
  106. Conrad - Bold, brave counsel
  107. Cooper - Barrel maker
  108. Coral - Semi-precious sea growth
  109. Cora - Maiden
  110. Corbin - Raven
  111. Cordelia - Heart, daughter of the sea
  112. Corey - Dweller in or near a hollow
  113. Corinne - Maiden
  114. Cormac - Son of defilement
  115. Cornelius - Horn
  116. Cora - Maiden
  117. Cortez - Courtly, courteous
  118. Cory - Dweller in or near a hollow
  119. Cosette - Victorious people
  120. Costa - Coast
  121. Courtney - Courtly, courteous
  122. Craig - Rocky hill
  123. Cullen - Handsome
  124. Curtis - Courteous, courteous one
  125. Cynthia - Moon, goddess of the moon
  126. Cyrus - Sun, lord, master

Quirky and cool fictional baby names for the modern parent

Quirky and cool fictional baby names for the modern parent
  1. Dafne - Laurel tree, victory
  2. Daisy - Day's eye, flower
  3. Dakota - Friendly one, allies
  4. Dale - Valley
  5. Dallas - Dweller in the valley
  6. Dalton - Town in the valley
  7. Damian - To tame, subdue
  8. Damien - To tame, subdue
  9. Damon - To tame, subdue
  10. Dana - From Denmark, God is my judge
  11. Dane - From Denmark, God is my judge
  12. Dani - God is my judge
  13. Daniel - God is my judge
  14. Daniela - God is my judge
  15. Danielle - God is my judge
  16. Danna - From Denmark, God is my judge
  17. Daphne - Laurel tree, victory
  18. Dara - Compassion, star
  19. Darby - Deer park
  20. Darcy - From Arcy, fortress
  21. Daria - Wealthy, rich
  22. Darian - Gift
  23. Dario - Wealthy, rich
  24. Darla - Darling
  25. Dalia - Gentle
  26. Dalton - From the town in the valley
  27. Dana - God is my judge
  28. Dante - Enduring
  29. Darcy - From the fortress
  30. Darian - Gift
  31. Darius - Wealthy
  32. Dasha - Gift from God
  33. Dave - Beloved
  34. Davin - Bright Finn
  35. Dawn - Sunrise
  36. Daya - Compassion
  37. Dean - Leader
  38. Deanna - Divine
  39. Delaney - Descendant of the challenger
  40. Delilah - Languishing
  41. Dempsey - Proud
  42. Denver - Green valley
  43. Derek - Ruler of the people
  44. Desmond - Gracious defender
  45. Devin - Poet
  46. Dexter - Skillful
  47. Diana - Divine
  48. Diego - Supplanter
  49. Dillon - Like a lion

Romantic and Dreamy Fictional Baby Names for Your Little Prince or Princess

  1. Earl - Nobleman
  2. Easton - From the eastern town
  3. Ebony - Dark beauty
  4. Eden - Paradise
  5. Edith - Prosperous in war
  6. Edmund - Prosperous protector
  7. Edward - Wealthy guardian
  8. Edwin - Wealthy friend
  9. Effie - Well-spoken
  10. Eileen - Bright one
  11. Elaina - Bright shining one
  12. Elaine - Shining light
  13. Eleanor - Bright, shining one
  14. Elena - Shining light
  15. Eli - Ascended
  16. Elias - The Lord is my God
  17. Elijah - My God is Yahweh
  18. Elise - God is my oath
  19. Eliza - God is my oath
  20. Elizabeth - God is my oath
  21. Ella - Beautiful fairy woman
  22. Ellen - Light
  23. Elliot - The Lord is my God
  24. Elsie - God is my oath
  25. Elvira - True to all
  26. Fabian - Bean grower
  27. Faith - Belief, trust
  28. Fallon - Of a ruling family
  29. Farrah - Beautiful
  30. Fatima - Captivating
  31. Faye - Fairy
  32. Felicity - Happiness
  33. Felix - Happy, fortunate
  34. Fern - A type of plant
  35. Finn - Fair, white, blessed
  36. Fiona - Fair
  37. Flora - Flower
  38. Florence - Prosperous, flourishing
  39. Flynn - Descendant of the red-haired one
  40. Forrest - Woodsman
  41. Francesca - Free
  42. Franco - Free man
  43. Franklin - Free man
  44. Freya - Goddess of love and fertility
  45. Frida - Peaceful
  46. Gabriel - God is my strength
  47. Gage - An oath
  48. Gaia - Earth mother
  49. Galen - Calm
  50. Garrett - Strength of the spear
  51. Gatsby - Of unknown meaning
  52. Gemma - Gem, jewel
  53. Genevieve - Woman of the people
  54. George - Farmer
  55. Georgia - Farmer
  56. Gerald - Ruler with the spear
  57. Gerard - Brave spearman
  58. Gideon - Destroyer
  59. Gilbert - Bright pledge
  60. Giselle - Hostage
  61. Gloria - Glory
  62. Grace - Graceful
  63. Graham - Gray home
  64. Grant - Great
  65. Grayson - Son of
  66. Hadley - Heath covered meadow
  67. Hailey - Hero's field
  68. Halle - Home ruler
  69. Hamish - Supplanter
  70. Hank - Ruler of the household
  71. Harper - Harp player
  72. Harriet - Ruler of the home
  73. Harrison - Son of Harry
  74. Harvey - Battle worthy
  75. Hayden - Hedge valley
  76. Hazel - Hazelnut
  77. Heath - Heathland dweller
  78. Heidi - Of noble birth
  79. Helen - Torch, light
  80. Henry - Ruler of the household
  81. Hera - Queen of the gods
  82. Hermione - Messenger, earthly
  83. Holly - Plant with red berries
  84. Hope - Hopeful
  85. Howard - Brave heart

Badass Fictional Baby Names Inspired by Iconic Characters

Badass Fictional Baby Names Inspired by Iconic Characters
  1. Ian - God is gracious
  2. Ida - Industrious one
  3. Ignacio - Fiery
  4. Imogen - Maiden
  5. India - Land of the Indus river
  6. Indigo - Blue dye
  7. Ines - Pure
  8. Ingrid - Beautiful
  9. Iris - Rainbow
  10. Isabel - God is my oath
  11. Isabella - God is my oath
  12. Isadora - Gift of the goddess
  13. Isaiah - God is salvation
  14. Isla - Island
  15. Ivy - Climbing plant
  16. Jack - God is gracious
  17. Jackson - Son of Jack
  18. Jade - Precious stone
  19. Jaden - God has heard
  20. Jagger - Carter
  21. Jaime - Supplanter
  22. Jair - He shines
  23. Jake - Supplanter
  24. James - Supplanter
  25. Jamie - Supplanter
  26. Jane - God is gracious
  27. Janelle - God is gracious
  28. Janessa - God is gracious
  29. Janet - God is gracious
  30. Janice - God is gracious
  31. Jared - Descent
  32. Jasmine - Fragrant flower
  33. Jason - Healer
  34. Jasper - Treasurer
  35. Jay - Blue jay bird
  36. Jayden - Thankful one
  37. Jean - God is gracious
  38. Jeannette - God is gracious
  39. Jedidiah - Beloved of God
  40. Jemma - Precious stone
  41. Kade - Round, gentle
  42. Kai - Sea
  43. Kaitlyn - Pure
  44. Kaleb - Faithful, dog
  45. Kara - Beloved
  46. Karen - Pure
  47. Karl - Free man
  48. Kasey - Brave
  49. Kassandra - Unheeded prophetess
  50. Kate - Pure
  51. Katherine - Pure
  52. Katie - Pure
  53. Keaton - Place of hawks
  54. Keira - Little dark one
  55. Keith - Woodland

From Hogwarts to Middle Earth: Fictional Baby Names for Your Little Adventurer

From Hogwarts to Middle Earth: 40 Fictional Baby Names for Your Little Adventurer
  1. Lacey - Lacy fabric
  2. Lachlan - From the fjord land
  3. Lana - Attractive, peaceful
  4. Lance - Land
  5. Landon - Long hill
  6. Lane - Narrow country road
  7. Lara - Cheerful
  8. Larry - Laurel crowned
  9. Laura - Laurel crowned
  10. Lauren - Laurel crowned
  11. Layla - Night
  12. Leah - Weary
  13. Leanne - Gracious meadow
  14. Lee - Meadow
  15. Leif - Heir
  16. Leila - Night
  17. Leland - Meadowland
  18. Mackenzie - Son of the wise ruler
  19. Maddie - Mighty in battle
  20. Madeleine - Woman of Magdala
  21. Madison - Son of Maud
  22. Maeve - Intoxicating
  23. Maggie - Pearl
  24. Magnus - Great
  25. Maisie - Pearl
  26. Malcolm - Disciple of Saint Columba
  27. Mallory - Unlucky
  28. Mara - Bitter
  29. Marcus - Warlike
  30. Margot - Pearl
  31. Maria - Bitter
  32. Mariella - Bitter, beautiful
  33. Marilyn - Bitter, sea of bitterness
  34. Marley - From the lake meadow
  35. Marlowe - Driftwood
  36. Marquis - Nobleman
  37. Marshall - Horse caretaker
  38. Martha - Lady
  39. Martin - Warlike
  40. Mason - Worker in stone
  41. Matilda - Battle mighty
  42. Matthew - Gift of God
  43. Maverick - Independent
  44. Max - Greatest
  45. Maxine - Greatest
  46. Maya - Illusion, dream
  47. Megan - Pearl

Beautiful and Ethereal Fictional Baby Names for Your Little Fairy

Unique Fictional Baby Names for Your Little Hero
  1. Nadia - Hope
  2. Nala - Successful
  3. Nancy - Grace
  4. Naomi - Pleasantness
  5. Nash - Cliff
  6. Natasha - Born on Christmas day
  7. Nate - Gift of God
  8. Nathaniel - Gift of God
  9. Nevaeh - Heaven spelled backwards
  10. Nicholas - Victory of the people
  11. Nick - Victory of the people
  12. Nicole - Victory of the people
  13. Nigel - Champion
  14. Nika - Victory
  15. Nina - Grace
  16. Noah - Rest, comfort
  17. Noelle - Christmas
  18. Nolan - Champion
  19. Nora - Honor
  20. Norma - Normandy
  21. Oakley - Oak clearing
  22. Octavia - Eighth
  23. Odin - God of wisdom, war, and death
  24. Ollie - Olive tree
  25. Olivia - Olive tree
  26. Omar - Long lived
  27. Opal - Precious gemstone
  28. Orion - Son of fire
  29. Oscar - God spear
  30. Otis - Wealthy
  31. Owen - Youthful warrior
  32. Oz - Strength
  33. Paige - Young servant
  34. Paisley - Patterned fabric
  35. Parker - Keeper of the park
  36. Pascal - Easter child
  37. Patience - Enduring
  38. Patrick - Nobleman
  39. Paul - Small
  40. Paula - Small
  41. Pearl - Precious gemstone
  42. Penelope - Weaver
  43. Percy - Pierced valley
  44. Perry - Pear tree
  45. Petra - Rock
  46. Peyton - Fighting man's estate
  47. Phoebe - Bright, shining one
  48. Piper - Flute player
  49. Poppy - Flower
  50. Porter - Gatekeeper
  51. Priscilla - Ancient
  52. Priya - Beloved
  53. Cutin - Fifth
  54. Quinn - Wis
  55. Quinlum - well-shopped, strong
  56. Quinton - Fifth
  57. Quincy - Estate of the Fifth Son
  58. Rachel - Eve
  59. Raphael - God is not laughing
  60. Regam - Little King
  61. Relene - Ave
  62. Raina - Queen
  63. Ralph - Wolf's Counsel
  64. Ramena - Protector of Vis
  65. Randall - Wolf Shield
  66. Raphael - God has healed
  67. Raven - Blackbird
  68. Ray - Counselor
  69. Raymond - Wise protector
  70. Reagan - Little king
  71. Reanna - Great queen
  72. Reed - Redhead
  73. Reese - Fiery one
  74. Regina - Queen
  75. Reid - Redhead
  76. Remi - Oarsman
  77. Remington - Settlement by the stream
  78. Renee - Reborn
  79. Rex - King
  80. Rhett - Enthusiastic
  81. Rhys - Enthusiastic
  82. Ricardo - Brave ruler
  83. Richard - Brave ruler
  84. Rick - Brave ruler
  85. Riley - Valiant
  86. River - Stream of water
  87. Rob - Bright fame
  88. Robert - Bright fame
  89. Robin - Bright fame
  90. Rochelle - Little rock
  91. Rockwell - Rocky well
  92. Rodney - Island dweller
  93. Roger - Famous spearman
  94. Roland - Famous land
  95. Roman - Citizen of Rome
  96. Romeo - Pilgrim to Rome
  97. Ronan - Little seal
  98. Ronin - Samurai without a master
  99. Ronnie - Mighty counsellor
  100. Rory - Red king
  101. Rosa - Rose
  102. Rosalie - Rose
  103. Rosalind - Pretty rose
  104. Rose - Rose
  105. Rosemary - Dew of the sea
  106. Rowan - Little redhead
  107. Rowena - Famous friend

The Best Fictional Baby Names from TV Shows and Movies

The Best Fictional Baby Names from TV Shows and Movies
  1. Sabrina - Legendary princess
  2. Sadie - Princess
  3. Sage - Wise one
  4. Salem - Peace
  5. Sally - Princess
  6. Sam - Told by God
  7. Samantha - Listener
  8. Samson - Sun
  9. Samuel - Heard by God
  10. Sandra - Defender of mankind
  11. Santiago - Saint James
  12. Sapphire - Precious gemstone
  13. Sara - Princess
  14. Sarah - Princess
  15. Sarai - Princess
  16. Sasha - Defender of mankind
  17. Savannah - Open plain
  18. Sawyer - Woodcutter
  19. Scarlett - Red
  20. Scott - Painted warrior
  21. Sebastian - Revered
  22. Selena - Moon goddess
  23. Serena - Serene
  24. Seth - Appointed one
  25. Shane - Gift from God
  26. Shannon - Little wise one
  27. Sharon - Princess
  28. Shay - Gift from God
  29. Shawn - God is gracious
  30. Sheila - Blind
  31. Shelby - Willow farm
  32. Sheldon - Steep valley
  33. Shelley - From the meadow on the ledge
  34. Shiloh - Tranquil
  35. Shirley - Bright meadow
  36. Sierra - Mountain range
  37. Silas - Forest
  38. Simon - Listener
  39. Skye - Isle of Skye
  40. Sloan - Warrior
  41. Sofia - Wisdom
  42. Solomon - Peaceful
  43. Sonia - Wisdom
  44. Sonya - Wisdom
  45. Sophia - Wisdom
  46. Spencer - Steward
  47. Stacey - Resurrection
  48. Stan - Stony meadow
  49. Stanley - Stony meadow
  50. Star - Celestial body
  51. Stella - Star
  52. Stephanie - Crowned in victory
  53. Stephen - Crowned in victory
  54. Sterling - Pure
  55. Steve - Crowned in victory
  56. Steven - Crowned in victory
  57. Summer - Warm season
  58. Sunny - Bright, cheerful
  59. Tabitha - Gazelle
  60. Tahlia - Dew of God
  61. Talia - Blooming
  62. Tanner - Leather worker
  63. Tanya - Fairy queen
  64. Tate - Cheerful
  65. Taylor - Tailor
  66. Teagan - Poet
  67. Ted - Gift of God
  68. Teddy - Wealthy guardian
  69. Teresa - Harvester
  70. Terrence - Smooth
  71. Tessa - Harvest
  72. Thalia - Joyful
  73. Thea - Gift of God
  74. Theodore - Gift of God
  75. Theresa - Harvester
  76. Thomas - Twin
  77. Tiffany - Manifestation of God
  78. Tim - To honor God
  79. Timothy - To honor God
  80. Tina - Follower of Christ
  81. Toby - God is good
  82. Todd - Fox
  83. Tom - Twin
  84. Tommy - Twin
  85. Tony - Worthy of praise
  86. Tori - Victorious
  87. Trace - Brave
  88. Tracey - Brave
  89. Travis - Crossing
  90. Trent - Gushing waters
  91. Trevor - Prudent
  92. Trey - Three
  93. Trinity - Holy three
  94. Troy - Foot soldier
  95. Tucker - Fabric pleater
  96. Tyler - Maker of tiles
  97. Uma - Nation
  98. Uriah - God is my light
  99. Uriel - Light of God
  100. Ursula - Little bear
  101. Valentina - Strong, healthy
  102. Valerie - Strong, healthy
  103. Vance - Marshland
  104. Vanessa - Butterfly
  105. Vaughn - Small
  106. Veda - Sacred knowledge
  107. Vera - Faith
  108. Veronica - True image
  109. Victor - Winner
  110. Victoria - Winner
  111. Vienna - White
  112. Vince - Conqueror
  113. Vincent - Conqueror
  114. Viola - Violet
  115. Violet - Purple
  116. Virgil - Staff bearer
  117. Virginia - Pure
  118. Vivian - Full of life
  119. Vladimir - Ruler of peace
  120. Wade-Ford
  121. Walker - Fuller of cloth
  122. Walter - Army ruler
  123. Warren - Park keeper
  124. Wayne - Wagon maker
  125. Wendy - Friend
  126. Wesley - Western meadow
  127. Whitney - White island
  128. Wilbur - Bright will
  129. Wiley - Wily
  130. Will - Determined protector
  131. William - Determined protector
  132. Willow - Slender and graceful
  133. Wilson - Son of Will
  134. Winifred - Friend of peace
  135. Winnie - Friend
  136. Winston - Town of victory
  137. Winter - Season
  138. Wyatt - Brave in war
  139. Xavier - New house
  140. Xander - Defender of people
  141. Yasmin - Jasmine flower
  142. Yolanda - Violet flower
  143. Yvette - Yew tree
  144. Yvonne - Archer
  145. Zacharya - Remembered by God
  146. Zander - Defender of the People
  147. Zalda - Gree Fighting Maid
  148. Zenon - Gift of Jess
  149. Joey - Life
  150. Joley - Life
  151. Juri - Good, beautiful

Why choose a fictional baby name?

A: Fictional baby names offer a unique and creative option for parents who want to give their child a name which stands out. These names frequently have interesting origins and meanings, making them even more special.

Q: Where did fictional baby names come from?

A: Fictional baby names can come from a variety of sources, including literature, films, TV shows, video games, and even mythology. Many parents find inspiration in their favorite fictional characters and stories.

Q: Are fictional baby names too uncommon?

A: While some fictional baby names may be more unusual than traditional names, they can be just as meaningful and memorable. Plus, as the society becomes more accepting of unique names, fictional baby names are becoming more common and accepted.

Q: Do fictional baby names have meaning?

A: Yes! Many fictional baby names have interesting meanings and origins that can add depth and meaning to your child's name. In fact, some parents choose a name specifically for its meaning or significance in a story or myth.

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